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Will the Low VIX and Godfather of Divergences Sink Stocks?
The VIX is near a 5-year low and despite new all-time highs, more stocks are declining than advancing, causing some of the biggest divergences in history. How long can this last?... >> READ MORE...
About That Dow Theory Divergence, Treasuries and Silver
There is one of the biggest and longest Dow Theory non-confirmations in history. It became glaringly obvious over half a year ago but hasn’t mattered yet. Will it … eventually? ... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500 Update - The Ideal Path
A few weeks ago, the S&P 500 started the expected choppy correction. Instead of forecasting the next move, we’ve outlined the ideal path to a renewed buying opportunity. Thus far, the S&P is following that path.... >> READ MORE...
Do Melt-ups Lead to Melt-downs?
The latest rally has already secured a spot in the history books as one of the strongest and most unexpected (by most) rallies ever. The questions is: Do melt-ups like this lead to melt-downs? Here’s how the S&P reacted to similar conditions in the past.... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500 Almost Triggers Historic All Clear Signal
This indicator, which correctly foreshadowed the 1987, 2000, and 2007 market crashes, is about to give an ‘all clear’ signal. However, a recent widely publicized sell signal marred its otherwise incredible track record. ... >> READ MORE...
Momentum Markets Explained
Momentum markets - like the one we’re in now - are a ‘special breed.’ They adhere to their own set of rules. This excerpt of a recent Profit Radar Report update looks at prior momentum markets and what we learned from them.... >> READ MORE...
S&P 500 Update - Yellow Flags
The S&P 500 is about to record the 12th all-time high in 2024. This is one of the best starts to a year ever, but we are starting to see some yellow flags. Here’s how to handle yellow flags:... >> READ MORE...
Will the S&P 500 January Barometer Hold Up?
The January Barometer, some swear by it, others mock it. Love it or hate it, here are the facts: The January Barometer (as January goes, so goes the year) is accurate 70.37% of the time, but can be as accurate as 95%.... >> READ MORE...
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