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About Simon Maierhofer

Simon Maierhofer is a self-taught entrepreneur and market forecaster. Simon grew up in Germany, earned his banking degree in 1996, and shortly thereafter moved from an idyllic 300-people village in Bavaria, Germany to San Diego, CA.

In the early 2000s, when ETFs were still in their infancy, Simon co-founded ETFguide and launched the ETF Profit Strategy Newsletter. His approach of simplifying complex concepts into easy-to-understand analysis attracted nearly 10,000 paying subscribers in just a few years.

In 2012, Simon left ETFguide and founded iSPYETF, where he now publishes the Profit Radar Report.

Simon has personally appeared on CNBC, FOX News and Channel 8. His opinions were regularly published on from 2015 – 2020, and his research has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, USA Today,,,, Yahoo Finance!, Google Finance, and other outlets.

When Simon isn’t hawking charts and financial markets, you’ll find him on the tennis court, on the beach, or spending time with his lovely wife, family and friends.


About iSPYETF is the place where Simon publishes simple, to the point, and often out-of-the box research for free without any kind of advertising or fee.

To receive a free market outlook (usually sent once a week) sign up for iSPYETF’s free e-mail newsletter.

About the Profit Radar Report

Like a radar, the Profit Radar Report scouts various markets to detect profit opportunities or sniff out major warning signals (click here to view past signals).

Markets on the radar include the S&P, DJIA, Nasdaq, Russell 2000, gold, silver, euro, dollar, US Treasuries and at times, international and sector indexes.

Profit Radar Report updates are published at least twice a week (Wednesday and Sunday evening) and subscribers on record receive an e-mail alert every time an update is posted.

Regular updates are usually between 400 – 800 words long with numerous charts. Special updates can be shorter or longer.

To test drive the Profit Radar Report, click here.

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